Equitas Academy #4

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Mission and Core Values

Equitas Academy provides a structured, achievement-based community that prepares students to graduate from four-year colleges and universities. Equitas Academy Charter School provides a high-quality education and challenging school experience. Our school model is based on:
High Expectations
Structured and disciplined classrooms, school-wide behavioral code of conduct, and school uniforms
College Readiness
Extended school day and year, enrichment activities, and preparation to enter top-performing middle, high schools and ultimately college
A Family Partnership
Ongoing communication with parents about academic and behavioral progress, at-home visits by staff, and family workshops
A Safe and Supportive School Community 
We help our children make positive choices through our school values of integrity, perseverance, dignity, pride, respect, and compassion
The Equitas Academy core values are taken from the book, How Children Succeed by Paul Tough.
Our Core Values for scholars are: 
Taking an interest in experience and learning new things for its own sake; finding things fascinating
Expecting the best in the future and working to achieve it
Being aware of and thankful for opportunities that one has and for good things that happen
Finishing what one starts; completing something despite obstacles; a combination of persistence and resilience
Regulating what one feels and does; being self-disciplined
Social intelligence
Being aware of motives and feelings of other people and oneself; including the ability to reason within large and small group
Approaching life with excitement and energy; feeling alive and activated
Our Core Values for staff are: 
Taking an interest in experience and learning new things for its own sake; finding things fascinating.
• We research, seek out, and share best practices
• We commit to asking and answering questions
• We seek growth by exploring and taking risks to constantly challenge others and ourselves
Expecting the best in the future and working to achieve it.
• We celebrate every victory and success
• We are solutions-oriented and face challenges with a smile
• We use positive language
Being aware of and thankful for opportunities that one has and for good things that happen.
• We are specific and meaningful when expressing appreciation for experiences, opportunities, and others • We give shout outs
• We celebrate growth and potential
Finishing what one starts; completing something despite obstacles; a combination of persistence and resilience.
• We embrace challenges and persevere through them
• We remain resilient in the pursuit of our goals
Regulating what one feels and does; being self-disciplined work
• We model appropriate dress, countenance and speech.
• We are responsible for our commitments and deadlines.
• We respect others' feelings and time.
• We hold ourselves and our team members accountable for upholding our core values.
• We assume the best intentions of our teammates and resolve any conflicts in a timely and positive matter, employing the 24/48 hour rule.
Being aware of motives and feelings of other people and oneself; including the ability to reason within large and small groups.
• We communicate, compromise, and collaborate to find solutions and accomplish our goals
• We give and receive feedback gracefully JOY Approaching life with excitement and energy; feeling alive and activated.
• We find the fun!
• We celebrate wholeheartedly
• We enthusiastically approach our work